It's so nice to sponsor a child. You can get letters from them hearing about their families and lifestyles in another part of the world; one which is far from your own. And although it DOES help, especially when the money goes directly TO that child's family rather than into a big organiation that devours half of it in administration costs - there IS a better way to reach the poorest children. That's by sponsoring a teacher. We have five teachers that need YOUR assistance. They are resonsible for almost 130 orphans and vulnerable (coming from extremely poor circumstances) children who attend classes in the local school. By sponsoring a teacher for only $30 a month you are in fact accomplishing so much more. That teacher reaches so many kids within the village that I work in, and when the teacher gets paid, the class succeeds. If we didn't have our teachers, the kids wouldn't be coming to school. Those kids wouldn't be getting breakfast and lunch at least 5 days a week from us; they would be staying at home on empty stomachs and inactive minds. When you choose to sponsor a teacher, he or she will send you sample work of the students as well as letters letting you know how much your support is appreciated. Pictures are always sent through Email to eliminate any waste in administration costs.